Free Word Newspaper Template

This Free Word Newspaper Template is sure to meet most of your needs. If you want to download it, you may get it here!

Free Word Newspaper Template Features

Free Word Newspaper TemplateThis Microsoft Word Newspaper Template is nice because it’s free! That’s the best part! However, there are some other nice features of this template. It allows you to change the Newspaper Name, input the date the newspaper is to be printed or published, and create all your own article headings. You can type information into all the columns to create the text content of your newspaper, and you can insert your own pictures.

Experiment with the pictures a bit to see if you like the full color or black and white look best. If you are using this to email around on a computer, you may prefer the color pictures because they will look better on screen. However, if you wish to print this out and distribute it around in hard copy, you may prefer the look of black and white pictures. This free word newspaper template can be used any way you like it!

Free Word Newspaper Template Tips

Use this to promote your band! If you’re doing a concert somewhere, why just put up fliers announcing you’re doing a show? Instead, put these up around town and on billboards to make it look like your concert is newsworthy. It’s a fun spin on concert promotions!

Use this free word newspaper template to promote your garage sale! Let people know your sale is not to be missed!

Use it to promote a fundraiser!

Tell your vacation story using this free word newspaper template! Simply plug in pictures, and tell the stories of your most recent vacation! Email it to friends and family, or take it to school show and tell.

This is a great student newspaper template for using in a school project. A school newspaper template will allow your project to be noticed and one step above the rest of the class.

Download this Newspaper Template

You can download this free word newspaper template here.

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